My Identity is Found in Him

Living to Glorify and Enjoy God forever!

Will I have a job while in Romania? … Another stay tuned to find out how God works this one out! October 19, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — beckypertzborn @ 6:54 pm

This is another question I am asked often. Considering I’m a missionary the answer is yes, obviously. I am going there for a purpose and that is to bring God’s kingdom to earth wherever I go and that is the same job/calling you and all other Christians have. I’m also going to be entering into full time ministry once I get there, I want to be available to do whatever God leads me to. Having a full time job wouldn’t leave me with an open and flexible schedule for ministry needs. Also on a missionary visa, you’re not technically supposed to have a job in Romania.

All this said, I have desired a job somehow to work out so that I could be in the community more interacting with the Romanian people regularly. I’ve been taking a Teach English as a Foreign Language class so I can be certified to teach English anywhere I go. I will be finishing that class by the middle of December, I took this because I’ve always wanted to be a teacher and I feel like as a missionary God could send me to many different countries and being able to teach English as a foreign English will be a great skill to have to get into most, if not all, countries that He would send me to.

One of the other missionaries there has a teaching job in an elementary school even with his missionary visa, so I had hopes that I would get one if God wanted me to have one. I do want to honor the Romania’s visa rules, so I figured if God wanted me to have a job it would fall into my lap, I decided I wouldn’t go searching for one and live off of my monthly support that I’ve been raising.

Well everyone, a job has yet again fallen into my lap. 😀 God is really good at doing this to me! Earlier this month Jessie Stimpson messaged me about this after school program job that she had just begun working with. She told me that she had been hired for two days a week by one of her neighbors who runs the program. She had just finished her first day, and with the organizational structure not in place it was a bit chaotic for her and with the required planning before hand, being a wife, having five children, homeschooling three of them, running her household smoothly and being in full time ministry it seemed too much to add to her already full schedule so she offered it to me! (That’s right, Jessie Stimpson is superwoman by God’s amazing grace!)

This job will be teaching English to two classes of kids in the after school program two days a week for forty-five minute segments. The second time Jessie went to teach the organizational structure had been put in place to make the class sizes much smaller. She is finishing out the remaining days until I get there and once I get there I will be taking it over from there. Right now it’s an hour and a half on Mondays and Thursday’s for 100 lei per week ($30)! There might be a chance that the other two days in the week would be still open and I could take those as well, making 200 lei per week ($60). With two days a week I will make about 400 lei ($115) per month, if I work four days a week, which I’m still praying about whether or not I should, I would make 800 lei ($230) a month, more or less depending on if this estimate is correct.

Jessie has been using online lesson plans, which I will be continuing with and I’ll probably incorporate some learning activities from the class that I’ve been taking. Very exciting stuff!

Stay tuned to see how God lets it all play out and how He’s going to use this for His glory and His kingdom!


Where will I be living? … Stay tuned in to hear how it all plays out! October 18, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — beckypertzborn @ 9:04 am

A question that I’ve been asked a lot is where will I be living once I get to Romania, so I thought I’d write a quick blog about it! 🙂

As many of you know I’m going to be joining Jake and Jessie Stimpson as I move over there, they’ve so graciously prepared a few possible places for me to live when I get there!

As I finalize where I will be living they have so graciously opened up their home to me as they’ve done so many times before! I’m so grateful for their hospitality and their heart for family, they’re always such a blessing to be with!

Now onto the options I have:

Choice #1. I have the option of staying in a baptist seminary woman’s dorm with one, two or even three roommates! This option is the best price wise, for me to stay with three other girls I would only have to pay $80/month, with two other girls I would have to pay $93/month, and with just one roommate I would have to pay $110/month. Very good prices! 🙂 this would include the energy since its a dorm.

Pros: Prices are good with three other roommates, I could learn Romanian from the girls I live with, I get to meet other Romanian Christians! I will have a contract to get my visa with! I can stay here as long as I want!

Cons: I’m going to be in a new country without very much space to myself this is only some what of an issue because I’m more introverted, but Gods grace is enough for me to pull through this. This option isn’t guaranteed because the dorm could fill up before I get there as well.

With this option I’m leaning more towards only having one other roommate, but that’s only if my budget allows for that.

Choice #2. I could also stay in an apartment with three girls from Elim church. I would share a room with one other girl. This place would be $77/month plus utilities (could be up to $50 more a month).

Pros: These girls are very similar to me in what we believe about Jesus. I’d only have one roommate. It’d be a very familiar setup after living with other girls for the last five years of life. I would also get help learning Romanian.

Cons: Rent plus Utilities may be a bit more expensive than the dorms. I may not have a contract to say I live in Bucharest for my visa. I am only guaranteed to stay there until April. This spot could also fill up before I get there.

I really do like all the options I have and am definitely willing to live at any of these places, I just want to live exactly where God wants me to live! Please be praying with me for one of these options to fit perfectly as I arrive there in November!

Stay tuned to hear how it all works out! 🙂


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